
DEMOCRAT 1st conference in Tallinn


Empowering Democracy through Education Mark your calendars for DEMOCRAT’s first conference at the vibrant Tallinn University.  Join us on February...

Abstract image showing the connections between Big Data, AI, and schools, supported by the International Parents Alliance

Big Data, AI and Schools

On the 10th of November 2023, the International Parents Alliance (IPA) participated in an online event, “Data for Teaching and...

Participants engaging in discussions at the CONNECT International Conference on Open Schooling in Barcelona, July 2023.

Open Schooling Award for IPA

Introduction to the Conference and Award Recognition We were honored to participate in the CONNECT International Conference on Open Schooling...

Long-term collaboration with VMU

Parents International and Vytautas Magnus University have signed a Memorandum of Understandig for cooperation in the preparation and improvement of...

We are hiring – PhD position open

Stichting International Parents Alliance In collaboration with the University of Stavanger (UiS), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): Early Stage Researcher –...

Parent Summit 2022 snippets

On 1-2 September, our members and partners had the opportunity to meet in the beautiful and inspiring NHOW RAI in...

ERNAPE Nijmegen Conference report

The European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE) held its biennial conference in Nijmegen, the Netherlands at Radboud University...

The importance of balance

Safer Internet Day 2022 message by Parents International Safer Internet Day is observed on the 8 February each year, and...

A group of children learning together through play and social interaction, embodying change-driven education policy in action

Thriving Through Change

After the Pandemic: change needed ever more Parents International has been part of the Education Policy Reform Dialogues organised by...

Digitally enabled parents

Our pledge in the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Building on our work in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, on...

Parenting skills in the focus

Global Day of Parents 2021 message by Parents International The Global Day of Parents is celebrated on 1 June every...

Collaboration with Happiness Schools

Parents International has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Happiness Studies Academy headed by the world-famous Tal Ben-Shahar to...

World NGO Day 2021

Challenges facing NGOS in Conflict and Post-Conflicts Situations – Highlights On 26 February, the Conference of INGOs of the Council of...

G-STIC conference highlights

The Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Community community held its 4th Annual Conference on 26-28 October 2020 in Brussels and...


Time to strike a New Deal on Education and schools What the COVID-19 school closures have taught us that we should...

EuroFam-Net getting momentum

The second meeting of EuroFam-Net working groups took place in Porto on 5-7 February 2020. This is a very exciting...

Summit Report

Three exciting days of plenary presentations, participatory workshops, brainstorming and informal networking – this was our #ParentsFirst Parent Summit in...

Lifelong learning for the community

CEDEFOP, the vocational education agency of the European Union organised an interesting event entitled What role for community lifelong learning...

Study visit in Prague

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) organised a study visit in Prague on 21-22 May 2019. The co-host was the...

Zero Project Conference

  This year the Zero Project Conference took place on the 20-22th February 2019, in Vienna at the United Nations...

Logo of the International Parents Alliance

Parent Summit 2019 – Save the Date

Parents International will hold a scientific conference combined with a marketplace of inspiring practices providing meeting, showcasing and networking opportunities...

Inspiring Change in Education

Just a few days before the Council of Education Ministers will adopt a major education package, the European Commission closed...

Join us

The UN Convention the Rights of the Child, the very piece of legislation that establishes the rights and duties of...

Statement on Vaccination

Published for the Vaccine Hesitancy Seminar on 11 December 2017 in Brussels. The event brought together together the World Health...