DEMOCRAT 1st conference in Tallinn

Empowering Democracy through Education

Mark your calendars for DEMOCRAT’s first conference at the vibrant Tallinn University.  Join us on February 27-28, 2024, in exploring the dynamic realm of contemporary responsible democratic citizenship and its transformative power through education.

Conference Focus: the Potential of Democratic Citizenship

The need for citizens to be autonomous democratic agents has never been more urgent. During the conference, the DEMOCRAT team will address challenges such as mediatization, technocratization, radicalization, and more, putting the spotlight on how education can fortify democratic values.

The conference will delve into conceptual and practical perspectives, showcasing innovative ideas, techniques, and interventions supporting responsible democratic citizenship through education. From curriculum development to digital tools, and the role of teacher education, experts and participants will explore a wide spectrum of approaches aimed at nurturing reflexive, autonomous, and constructive democratic agents.

Key Topics on the Agenda

  • National, European and global frameworks for Education for Democracy
  • Curriculum development and supportive pedagogies
  • The use of Living Labs, and other innovative approaches to democratise education
  • Digital citizenship and its implications and repercussions
  • The role of teacher education in furthering education for democracy

DEMOCRAT Project: Shaping the Future of Education to Democracy

DEMOCRAT is a Horizon Europe-funded groundbreaking initiative aiming to redesign Education for Responsible Democratic Citizenship through participatory methods, context-sensitive curricula, and innovative learning approaches that strengthen liberal democracy in the European Union.

A Call to Changemakers

Academics, practitioners, representatives of EU projects, policymakers, and anyone passionate about democratic education is welcome to join us for two days of engaging dialogue, inspiring connections, and the exchange of ideas. This transformative conference is open to all, free of charge. Registration opens on December 18th, so stay tuned for updates. IPA will be there. We’ll keep you posted.

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