The Erasmus+ Research Project DRONE (Disinformation Resilience Online Education) aims to strengthen digital literacy and combat disinformation among vulnerable adolescent...
Digital Citizenship Education: A Bold Step Toward a Smarter Future
The Council of Europe’s Commitment to Digital Citizenship Education The Council of Europe (CoE) dedicated 2025 to Digital Citizenship Education...
Erasmus+ DRONE Project: Advancing Digital Literacy and Combating Disinformation
The second Transnational Project Meeting for the Erasmus+ DRONE Project took place on December 12th and 13th, 2023, in Budapest,...
Voices from the Parent Summit – 5 inspiring insights
The International Parents Alliance‘s Parent Summit 2024 is now behind us. What was it like for those who took part...
Empowering Educators: Inspiring Large-Scale International Parents Alliance Teacher Training in Kazakhstan
The International Parents Alliance (IPA) recently conducted an impactful teacher training session in Kazakhstan, focusing on parental engagement and trauma-conscious...
Mountains and Starry Skies: A Powerful Journey into the 2024 Parent Summit and IPA Training
“Mountains and Starry Skies,” brings together the memories, impressions, and eye-opening experiences from my time at the International Parents Alliance...
Empowering Parents: Understanding the Strong Impact of Adult Behaviour on Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is a pervasive issue in modern education, and research highlights how adult behaviour can significantly influence children’s engagement in...
The International Parents Alliance’ Parent Summit 2024 – Two inspiring days of joy exploring education
International Parents Alliance’s Parent Summit has been a spectacular experience, bringing together like-minded people from four continents in a very...
2 perfect days: the PERFECT Project Final Conference
The Perfect Project is one of those projects that really bring people together. Pouring rain and train hiccups didn’t deter...
5 Key Insights on Effective Research Dissemination from the PARTICIPATE Training Event
What is Project PARTICIPATE? Project PARTICIPATE is an innovative network focused on bridging the gap between academic research and the...
Wellbeing at School in the Digital Age: 3 powerful insights from the eTwinning Conference
Wellbeing at School in the Digital Age Wellbeing at School was the central theme of the eTwinning Annual Conference, held...
EFFEct – Stakeholder perspectives on school performance
The EFFEct project (Enhancing Effectiveness and Efficiency in Education) convened its second consortium meeting alongside the 10th International Workshop on...
Sharing, Caring, Daring: 3 powerful ideas for the 2024 ICP World Convention
Introduction to Collaboration: Sharing, Caring, Daring The International Confederation of Principals (ICP) and Parents International have recently embarked on a...
Parents – inspiring protagonists of cyberbullying prevention
The Importance of Cyberbullying Prevention Parents International is part of a large-scale Erasmus+ policy experimentation project called DRONE. The project...
Empowering Education: inspiring lessons from the Brookings Symposium
Introduction to the Global Symposium on Family, School, and Community Engagement The Brookings Institution has organised a 2-day event in...
Advancing Democratic Education: Insights from the powerful 2-day Transnational DEMOCRAT Workshop in Dublin
Introduction to the Transnational DEMOCRAT Workshop The recent Transnational DEMOCRAT Workshop, hosted at Dublin City University (DCU) from June 6-7,...
Embarking on a Culinary Journey: The Kitchen Adventure Kick-off in Budapest
The first in-person meeting of the Kitchen Adventure project took place in Budapest on the 3rd and 4th of June...
Microcredentials: shaping their future together
The European Alliance for Microcredentials Parents International joined the European Alliance for Microcredentials last autumn. The initiative was a result...
Engaging Migrant and Refugee Parents: highlights from “Open Arms, Open Hearts”
Introduction Engaging migrant and refugee parents in the educational process is often a challenging task for educators, owing in no...
3 wonderful days with the Project Princess Initiative: the princesses of today and the mothers of tomorrow
Empowering Vulnerable Girls: the Project Princess Initiative Our team visited Project Princess Initiative (PPI) in Uganda between the 15th and...
Ghana Training Trip: 4 exciting days in the home of fufu and kelewele
Between 22 and 27 April, our team visited Ghana to meet and train the team of Parenting Education Network Ghana...
3 Years ahead: inspiring recognition of Herminio Correa’s dedication to Children’s Rights at CINGO’s Spring Session
Explore the profound impact of Herminio Correa's dedication to children's rights at CINGO's spring session. Discover how the International Parents...
Empowering BioBeo: Exciting Parental Engagement Insights from Hohenheim Training
Introduction Exploring parental engagement in the BioBeo Project took center stage during a recent training session held at the University...
Exploring the Marvel of Circular Bioeconomy Education: The BioBeo Blended Intensive Programme
The BioBeo Project, funded by Horizon Europe, has recently made strides towards innovating circular bioeconomy education with its innovative BioBeo...
Empowering Researchers: Insights from Project PARTICIPATE’s Winter School in Stavanger
Introduction Project PARTICIPATE’s Winter School in the beautiful town of Stavanger, in Norway, kicked off the first of Project PARTICIPATE‘s...
Surprise and Joy at BioBeo Festival: Celebrating Circular Bioeconomy Education
“We couldn’t have planned this better” That’s what you say to express surprise and joy when things spontaneously go really,...
PARTICIPATE Training in Amsterdam – A Powerful Experience
About the Training PARTICIPATE Training in Amsterdam. From the 4th to the 8th of March, IPA hosted a unique Ph.D....
Empowering Democracy: Bright Insights from the Tallinn Conference on Democratic Citizenship Education
The recent Tallinn Conference hosted by the EU Horizon-funded “DEMOCRAT” Project provided a platform for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to...
The 1st Human Capability Initiative : New Prospects in Supporting Education in the Gulf Area
Our Director Invited to the Human Capability Initiative Our Director received an invitation to be a speaker at the first...
Exploring Parental Engagement in the BioBeo Project: Catchy Insights from Hohenheim Training
During the recent training session held at Hohenheim, significant progress was made towards enhancing parental engagement in the bioeconomy, a...
The EFFEct project kick-off in Leuven – an exciting beginning
The EFFEct Project The Horizon EU EFFEct project kick-off in Leuven took place on the 29-30 January 2024. The core...
PARENTS ENGAGE: Building bridges between schools and migrant and refugee parents in Europe
PARENTS ENGAGE: AN INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP PARENTS ENGAGE‘s international workshop will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on the 25th of January 2024. Its...
Life Skills Teacher Training in Lithuania
Within the framework of our collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University, our team has started training teachers of upper secondary schools...
Empowering Democracy through Education Mark your calendars for DEMOCRAT’s first conference at the vibrant Tallinn University. Join us on February...
Bridging Communities in times of Crisis: Lessons from Poland
21-22 November, Warsaw Bridging communities is always a challenge in a time of crisis. The one unfolding in Ukraine has...
BioBeo meeting in Warsaw: the adventure continues
On 20-21 November 2023, the BioBeo consortium gathered in Warsaw, Poland, to present ongoing developments and receive critical feedback from...
PARTICIPATE Doctoral Candidates meet for the first time
The Annual Meeting of the PARTICIPATE Doctoral Network held at the campuses of Dublin City University on 14-16 November 2023...
Big Data, AI and Schools
On the 10th of November 2023, the International Parents Alliance (IPA) participated in an online event, “Data for Teaching and...
Social Innovation Forum in Brussels
For two days, members of the five ESF+ (European Social Fund) Communities of Practice (CoPs) met in Brussels on 26-27...
Parents Engage international pilot training
On the 16th, 17th and 18th of October, we had our pilot training for the Parents Engage project in the...
Parents Engage – Our contribution to the ESHA Biennial Conference
Parents International was invited to contribute to the biennial conference of our partner, the ESHA – European School Heads Association...
Midterm review of the European Education Area
The European Parliament and the European Commission has jointly organised a large event in Brussels that was to evaluate the...
Gender equality and 30 years of civil society cooperation in Strasbourg
The Autumn Session of the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe took place between 9-11 October 2023, coinciding with...
Supporting the development of international projects
Parents International was invited for the second time to hold a workshop at the DIPS (Developing International Projects) training that...
Parental engagement in Happy Schools
Parents International has long been a supporter of the Happy Schools initiative of UNESCO. On 4 October, we had the...
Child Rights-based cooperation between the private sector and schools
Understanding Child Rights-Based Cooperation Child Rights-based cooperation is a crucial factor. The Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) has organised and...
Presenting risk mitigation at the HELMeTO Conference in Foggia
Our consultant, Luca Laszlo participated and presented at the 5th International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online...
Education for Democracy Panel Presentation at ECPR in Prague
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) held its 2023 General Conference in Prague between 4 and 7 September. We...
How to save a generation nearly lost due to bad policies? 4 thought-provoking insights
How do you save a generation? IPA has been part of the Worldwide Commission to Educate All Kids Post-Pandemic for...
Open Schooling Award for IPA
Introduction to the Conference and Award Recognition We were honored to participate in the CONNECT International Conference on Open Schooling...
Summer Teacher Training in Amsterdam
We are happy to announce our open teacher training summer courses that will be held in Amsterdam. The courses will...
Long-term collaboration with VMU
Parents International and Vytautas Magnus University have signed a Memorandum of Understandig for cooperation in the preparation and improvement of...
Collaboration on Research with Brookings
The Center for Universal of Education at Brookings has developed and is piloting a set of conversation starter tools. It...
Community building first – Report on our inspiring Malawi study visit
Community Building in Malawi Community building was center stage during IPA’s Malawi study visit. Our Director and Project Manager were...
SAILS outcomes presented at a media literacy and critical thinking event
IPA Presents SAILS Project Research Outcomes at Vilnius Conference The International Parents Alliance (IPA) recently had the honor of presenting...
We are hiring – PhD position open
Stichting International Parents Alliance In collaboration with the University of Stavanger (UiS), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): Early Stage Researcher –...
First Bridges Built – Training for Ethiopian parents in Belgium
Our first small scale Erasmus+ project, Building Bridges: Good African parenting In Europe ended at the end of November 2022....
Education policy outlook with the whole school approach in the focus
The Annual Conference of the European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN) was held in Trim, Ireland...
EEPN Research 2022: A Powerful Whole School Approach for Teachers and School Leaders
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN) has published its latest research, focusing on a sustainable...
Parental engagement training for Erasmus+ mobility coordinators in Milan
Parents International was invited for the first, but it seems not the last time to an annual training held by...
Lay of the Land – PHERECLOS final conference
Our Open Schooling in STEAM education Horizon 2020 project, PHERECLOS is ending soon, and the final conference, the Lay of...
Parent Summit 2022 snippets
On 1-2 September, our members and partners had the opportunity to meet in the beautiful and inspiring NHOW RAI in...
ERNAPE Nijmegen Conference report
The European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE) held its biennial conference in Nijmegen, the Netherlands at Radboud University...
Building our relations with Kazakhstan
Parents International was contacted by the young public association Senimen Bolashaq in July 2022 to start developing a cooperation between...
ParENTrepreneurs: Celebrating Success in Entrepreneurial Parenting Education
The ParENTrepreneurs project, supported by Parents International, officially concluded on April 30, 2022. It marked a significant milestone in empowering...
Conference on Erasmus+ Mobility and Trainings
The German National Erasmus+ Agency invited us to attend the “High quality in school education mobility projects – a dialogue...
Migrant Children and Education: Is There a “Migrant Challenge”?
Child Up Final Conference: Insights into Migrant Children and Education Child Up Final Conference in Brussels, 9-10 June 2022 –...
School leaders’ conference in Cyprus
One of our most important partners, the European School Heads Association has held its – postponed – biennial conference in...
Collaboration of parents and school heads
IPA over the years has worked very closely together with the European School Heads Association. It is vital to make...
Collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University
Our team was invited by the Institute for Professional Development of Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education for a teaching...
Parent Initiatives Support Teachers and School Leaders
Judit Horgas, our expert represented Parents International at the State of Affairs Meeting of the European Education Policy Network on...
The importance of balance
Safer Internet Day 2022 message by Parents International Safer Internet Day is observed on the 8 February each year, and...
Let’s make the New Education Deal a reality now
Parents International’s message on the International Day of Education – 24 January 2022 Today the world celebrates the International Day...
Strengthening Parental Engagement: Research Insights on Parenting Support in Europe
Parental engagement plays a critical role in a child’s educational success and well-being. Research consistently shows that when parents, teachers,...
Thriving Through Change
After the Pandemic: change needed ever more Parents International has been part of the Education Policy Reform Dialogues organised by...
Parental Engagement at the Helsinki Education Week
The Finnish education system is a role model for many countries. Still, they think it is often too teacher-centred, and...
ParENTrepreneurs Trainings in 3 countries
Parents International has organised three face-to-face pilots of the ParENTrepreneurs Training to ensure that the programme we developed in the...
#NewEducationDeal #ParentsFirst at the Fundamental Rights Forum
Parents International partnered with the COVIDEA initiative to present the #NewEducatioDeal at the Fundamental Rights Forum that was held mostly...
Parent’R’Us chosen as 1 of 12 best globally
Strong and equal partnership between parents and schools is essential for student success, but it is often not successfully established...
ParENTrepreneurs project: Becoming a more entrepreneurial parent – apply for our trainings
We are offering two trainings to parents, especially parents who wish to also support other parents based on the material...
Education in the Digital Age – EEPN research published
Parents International is a member of the European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders, and has contributed to...
Digitally enabled parents
Our pledge in the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Building on our work in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, on...
Parenting Together – going fully back to normal
The Parenting Together project started a series of meetings and training, mostly held in Amsterdam, that mark our work going...
Parenting skills in the focus
Global Day of Parents 2021 message by Parents International The Global Day of Parents is celebrated on 1 June every...
Parents First – the way forward in the digital age
International Day of Families 2021 message by Parents International A year ago, Parents international published a global action plan for...
Collaboration with Happiness Schools
Parents International has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Happiness Studies Academy headed by the world-famous Tal Ben-Shahar to...
Teacher Training Courses in Partnership with Europass Teacher Academy
Parents International has partnered with Europass Teacher Academy, the largest organisation offering trainings for in-service teachers to offer courses on...
Attempting to boost the value of parenting skills in the labour market in Europe
The European Commission (EC) launched the so-called Pact for Skills in November 2020. Parents International had applied to join the...
World NGO Day 2021
Challenges facing NGOS in Conflict and Post-Conflicts Situations – Highlights On 26 February, the Conference of INGOs of the Council of...
Children’s mental health and the internet in 2021 – Safer Internet Day message
Children’s mental health has been jeopardised more than ever in this last one year, and the internet is very much...
It’s time to put formal education (back) on track
International Day of Education – 24 January 2021 Nearly a year after government reactions to Covid-19 started triggering school...
COVIDEA Initiative on the Future of Education
The COVID Education Alliance (COVIDEA) was created in response to one of the most important shortfalls in our society laid...
Teaming up with the Digital Futures Commission
The Digital Futures Commission is an exciting research collaboration of unique organisations that invites innovators, policy makers, regulators, academics and...
#ParentsFirst – the way to better child rights protection now and in the future
Our message for World Children Day 2020 We observe World Children Day on 20 November since 1989, the birth of...
Enhancing Education: How Digital Formative Assessment is a Powerful Support for Parents and Students in Learning
Parents’ Role in Digital Formative Assessment: Insights from the Assess@Learning Project As part of the Assess@Learning Project, a European policy...
Parental Engagement in Digital Citizenship Education Policy and Practice
The Council of Europe (CoE) organised a videoconference with about 260 participants entitled “Digital Citizenship Education Days” on 3-4 November...
G-STIC conference highlights
The Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Community community held its 4th Annual Conference on 26-28 October 2020 in Brussels and...
Digital technologies and the empowerment of parents
Presentation by our Director, Eszter Salamon at tha G-STIC 2020 Conference. G-STIC stays for Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community...
Teachers Inspiring Lifelong Learning
The TILL project consortium, our collaborators UNIMORE and FREREF are members of, held a great conference on 21 October 2020...
Exploring the Power of better Parental Engagement in India
Parents International and the SLN Global Network has launched a 3-year collaboration with a well-received online event on 5 September...
Parents as Educators for Global Literacy Solutions
On 8 September the world celebrates literacy on International Literacy Day. In 2020, not surprisingly, the focus is on Literacy...
Breaking the cycle of child poverty is not possible without primarily targeting parents
The European Commission has published a roadmap on the so-called Child Guarantee, a scheme to combat child poverty, one of...
Digital Future: Help Parents Overcome the Fear of the Unknown
Parenting for a Digital Future – How Hopes and Fears about Technology Shape Children’s Lives is a new and very...
Parental view on the European Education Area
The European Commission has initiated a public consultation on their Roadmap towards a European Education Area. Based on the experiences...
Special session of the INGO conference of the Council of Europe
Due to the COVID19 Pandemic this year, it was not possible to hold the Conference’s live summer session, a special...
Centres of Vocational Excellence Meeting
The conference organized by the Basque VET Applied Research Center (TKNIKA) was rolled out virtually and Parents International was represented...
#ParentsFirst – Global Day of Parents 2020
Today the world celebrates the Global Day of Parents. According the official UN definition, 1 June is “an opportunity to...
New Deal on Education
Time to strike a New Deal on Education and schools What the COVID-19 school closures have taught us that we should...
ELPIDA won the ZERO Award 2020 for Innovative Practice
Our team, Eszter Salamon, our Director, two members of the Supervisory Board, Brigitte Haider and Christian Hellevang and our Project...
EuroFam-Net getting momentum
The second meeting of EuroFam-Net working groups took place in Porto on 5-7 February 2020. This is a very exciting...
Who is afraid of the big bad…? – knowledge is the best way to understanding
I came across a very interesting publication on Twitter: a book on Muslim mothers and their role in their children’s...
Summit Report
Three exciting days of plenary presentations, participatory workshops, brainstorming and informal networking – this was our #ParentsFirst Parent Summit in...
European Alliance for Apprenticeship – 4th Regional Seminar for Candidate Countries
“Engagement of Small and Medium Enterprises in Work-based Learning” Skopje, 25 and 26 September 2019 The main purpose of this...
The 18th FEAD Network Meeting Highlights
The 18th FEAD Network meeting took place on7 and 8th November 2019 in Brussels and discussed issues related to “Monitoring...
The 17th FEAD Network Meeting Highlights
The 17th FEAD Network meeting took place on 20 September 2019 in Brussels and discussed issues related to “Celebrating 5...
European VET Vocational Skills Week Highlights
The VET Week central events were held in Helsinki, Finland this year. This is the second time (the first being...
30 years of child rights and parents’ rights – how far can you get without making parents a primary target of empowerment?
30 years ago today, the United Nations (UN) made a historic step by adopting the Un Convention on the Rights...
The end of an Era, a new beginning for an Area?
The Second European Education Summit, hosted on 26 September 2019 in Brussels by outgoing EU Commissioner for Education, Culture and...
Setting up children to be active for life
Toys Industries of Europe invited policy makers, professionals, advocacy organisations and representatives of toy manufacturers to an event in the...
It hurts – Vaccination Summit 2019
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Commission has organised a Global Vaccination Summit in Brussels on 12 September...
Parents are Power – ERNAPE Conference in Gdansk
ERNAPE, the European Research Network About Parents in Education organised its 12th conference in Gdansk, Poland on 18-20 September 2019...
Poverty and exclusion of the grandparents’ generation
The 16th FEAD Network meeting took place on 4-5th June 2019 in Vilnius and discussed issues related to “Tackling Poverty...
Lifelong learning for the community
CEDEFOP, the vocational education agency of the European Union organised an interesting event entitled What role for community lifelong learning...
Study visit in Prague
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) organised a study visit in Prague on 21-22 May 2019. The co-host was the...
Anji Play: Let Them Learn through Play
We were invited to the 1st International True Play Conference and to become a founding member of the True Play...
Unlocking the Power of Parenting – The LEGO Idea Conference 2019
Parents as the first and most impacting educators, their need for support for better parenting, parents’ decision-making patterns, the complexity...
Mobility of Apprentices in Europe – A contribution to youth employment and competitiveness of businesses
We wish we had the chance to share the opinion of parents on mobility at the event jointly organised by...
Zero Project Conference
This year the Zero Project Conference took place on the 20-22th February 2019, in Vienna at the United Nations...
Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies
The teams of the DigiLitEY COST Action and MakEY Horizon 2020 research projects met for an international conference in Manchester...
European Education Policy Network kicked off
27 partners from 17 European countries have started a 4-year joint journey to improve education for children all over the...
Engaging parents in digital learning of their children
Parents International participated in two very interesting meetings that were organised back-to-back, both highlighting the importance of engaging parents in...
The impact of training parents for intellectual disability awareness – ev
The ELPIDA consortium, EVBB and S&D are glad to invite you to the ELPIDA project’s final meeting! The majority of...
Parents First – Parent Summit registration is now open
Register for Parents First – Parent Summit 2019 here: Parents International is holding a scientific conference combined with a...
Consulting Civil Society on Gender Issues
Building on our success over the last few years, the annual EuroGender (EIGE) – Civil Society consultation meeting took place...
Parents First – Ideas for potential contributors
Parents International is holding a scientific conference combined with a marketplace of inspiring practices providing meeting, showcasing and networking opportunities...
100 short reminders about parental engagement – a new book by dr Janet Goodall and Kathryn Weston
The ‘official’ target group of this great new book is primary teachers, namely teachers in English schools, but apart from...
Democratic schools to educate active citizens
Parents International was invited to the 6th International Mayors’ Conference – ACT.NOW held in Vienna, 27/29 January 2019. As the...
Bett Educational Technology Show – 2019
Between the 23rd and the 26th of January 2019 the Bett Educational Technology Show took place in London. It is...
Forum on the Future of Learning in Europe
The European Commission has organised an event on education as they usually do every year. Following the 1st European Education...
Inclusion, equity and superdiversity – EUCU.NET event in Vienna
The European Network of Children’s Universities (EUCU.NET) invited Parents International to contribute to their annual event to do a workshop...
Tackling Inequalities in Early Years
Public Policy Exchange organised a symposium in Brussels on 15 January 2019 on early childhood development and related systems that...
Facing All the Facts – conference in Brussels
The week of the Facing All the Facts conference marked the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,...
Parent Summit 2019 – Save the Date
Parents International will hold a scientific conference combined with a marketplace of inspiring practices providing meeting, showcasing and networking opportunities...
Vocational Skills for the Future – European event highlights
The European Commission organised its third European Vocational Skills Week between 5 and 9 November 2018. It is a group...
Open Schools for Intercultural Learning
The 9th Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange took place in Brussels, Belgium at the European Economic and Social Committee...
Transforming education on a global scale – Congress in Naples, Italy
Maestri di Strada hosted the First Global Congress of Educational Transformation between 29 and 31 October 2018 in Naples, Italy....
November: Global Month to combat the dramatic decline in play
This November, IKEA, The LEGO Foundation, Unilever’s Dirt is Good brands and National Geographic have joined forces as the Real Play Coalition with their shared believe in the...
Strengthening relations with partners in Israel
Parental involvement is currently in the limelight in Israel. The education research institution Mahut held the first national conference on...
Growing Together: European Adult Learning Conference in Budapest
We were invited to represent parents as an important stakeholder group – both lifelong learners and lifelong educators – at...
Inclusion and Exclusion: Education Research Conference in Bolzano
About 3000 education researchers met in the inspiring and beautiful capital of South Tirol, Bolzano in Italy for the annual...
Education over regulation for healthy eating
Euractiv, an independent pan-European media network specialised in EU policies, has produced a special report on the effectiveness of taxation for...
Parents International pledged on Apprenticeships
Parents International joined the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) in May 2018. After some negotiations with the European Commission, we...
South Korean inspiration for thinking about a lifelong learning culture in Europe
Introduction: The Significance of Lifelong Learning Culture in Europe The European Lifelong Learning Platform held its annual conference on Lifelong...
Digital well-being for young children
Digital citizenship, the myth of digital ’addiction’, screen time and screenless devices as well as creative coding were some of...
Breaking the silence together – preventing sexual abuse
The final conference of the European project „Breaking the silence together” was held in Noordwijk, the Netherlands on 15 June...
How do education systems put student learning at the centre? – OECD Education Policy Dialogues 2018
OECD, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain, organized the first ever Education Policy Reform...
Financial education, Quo Vadis? – At the crossroads of individual empowerment
An interesting conference was organised by the international organisation of savings banks and microfinancing institutions, WSBI-ESBG on 22 May in...
Inspiring Change in Education
Just a few days before the Council of Education Ministers will adopt a major education package, the European Commission closed...
Equitable Access and Inclusion in Education for Every Child in Europe – EPA International Conference, 27/29 April, Milan, Italy
The conference focused on challenges countries, parents and children are facing for real equity in education. The speakers and participants...
Child Safety Summit at Facebook and Google
Experts from all over the world were hosted by the two internet giants at their European headquarters on 18/19 April...
School uniform decision in a participatory way
In some countries school uniforms are a usual practice while in others there are ongoing discussions about introducing them or...
Playful Learning Solutions to Tackle the Global Learning Crisis
The global learning crisis is leaving millions of children behind. Despite attending school, many struggle not only with mastering knowledge...
Guidelines for parental involvement in VET and apprenticeships
Key principles and methodology Starting points: In VET and apprenticeships there is a need to differentiate approaches according to the...
Providing education for European diasporas – a joint challenge for EU and its Member States
ETTW (Europeans Throughout The World: organised a conference hosted by the European Committee of the Regions with the support...
Discrimination by family type is illegal
Parents Call for the Hungarian Government to Celebrate Family Diversity at the ‘World Congress of Families’ PRESS RELEASE In May...
The World Celebrates Parents as Educators Today – International Day of Families 2017
The International Day of Families is held on 15 May every year. This year the United Nations has decided to...
Declaration of Zaragoza 2008 for Education of the World Congress of Parents’ Associations of Pupils
Read the Declaration of Zaragoza 2008, reposted by IPA: Parents have the right to educate their children according to their...
Student Achievement: the Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections
Student Achievement is a fascinating and very relevant topic. In a report based on research done in connection with the...
The Impact of Parental Involvement, Parental Support and Family Education on Pupil Achievements and Adjustment
As IPA, we find Charles Desforges‘ Literature Review entitled The Impact of Parental Involvement, Parental Support and Family Education on Pupil Achievements and Adjustment,...
Join us
The UN Convention the Rights of the Child, the very piece of legislation that establishes the rights and duties of...
Statement on Vaccination
Published for the Vaccine Hesitancy Seminar on 11 December 2017 in Brussels. The event brought together together the World Health...