The impact of training parents for intellectual disability awareness – ev

The ELPIDA consortium, EVBB and S&D are glad to invite you to the ELPIDA project’s final meeting!

The majority of approaches to intellectual disability (ID) are either focused on persons with intellectual disability (PWID) or on professionals in an effort to equip them with appropriate educational and supportive strategies; The need to provide parents with the required information and skills in order to better raise and empower their children with intellectual disability is often overlooked. Parents, though, play a significant role in supporting their children to become active members of society and achieve a good quality of life.

The ELPIDA project aims at providing family members and parent of PWID with the crucial skills and knowledge which make them feel more confident and competent to provide support and empowerment to children with ID in every age group.

ELPIDA intends to achieve this goal by means of development and promotion of a free-to-use e-learning platform, which contains six interactive educational modules providing more training, awareness raising and/or attitude change on key fields that have been identified with the active commitment of PWID’s family members.

The fields are the following:

  • Human rights;
  • Communication;
  • Ageing;
  • Stress management;
  • Transition to adulthood
  • Sexual health

The training material will be available in six languages (Danish, English, German, Greek, Norwegian and Portuguese) and offers all the advantages of distance learning.

The approach is inclusive and aimed at helping parents of disabled people educate their children.

19 March 2019 16:00-18:00

16:00   Greeting by Martina Werner, the hosting MEP

16:10   Greeting by Horst Dreimann, Director of EVBB, co-host of the event

16: 20  Presentation of the ELPIDA Project goals and results – Kathy Kikis-Papadakis, FORTH (EL), the project coordinator

16:35   Potential impact of the ELPIDA training course for parents on the lives of their children – James Crowley, external evaluator of the project

16:50   Reflection of the potential impact of training parents on the lives of people with intellectual disabilities – Albert Prévos, Member of the Executive Council of the European Disability Forum

17:00   Summary and introduction of the training modules by project partners

17:20 Testimonials from users

17:40 Q&A

Please register by filling the registration form following this link:

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the European Parliament.

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