What We Do
Stichting IPA (Parents International) serves the public interest by:
- Connecting parents and their associations on a global scale;
- Carrying out independent research on topics relevant for parents and their organisations;
- Providing practical tools and training to parents and professionals in fields parents deem important;
- Advocating for issues important for parents, including parental engagement and child participation in all matters;
- Providing an international market place where parents and professionals can meet;
- Establishing a pool of experienced professionals, practitioners, trainers and researchers to support parenting development and child participation;
- Participating in projects that can contribute to achieving its goals.
To achieve these objects, Stichting IPA (Parents International) among other things:
- Offers examples of good practice to increase parents’ involvement in education
- Works on stimulating, initiating, supporting and conducting research and development;
- Stimulates, initiates, supports and executes projects and publications relating to its goals and aims;
- Provides materials, activities and training that help improve and professionalise the skills of parents’ associations.
Associated members of Stichting IPA (Parents International) form 3 groups:
- Individuals who have an affinity with the Foundation’s objective and / or widen their knowledge about it;
- Parents’ Associations registering at their own initiative or at the invitation of Stichting IPA
- Organisations and other legal entities who work with/for parents but not parents’ associations.