Presenting risk mitigation at the HELMeTO Conference in Foggia

Our consultant, Luca Laszlo participated and presented at the 5th International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online (HELMETO), September 13-15, 2023, in Foggia, Italy. The Conference was organized by the University of Foggia.

The paper she presented in one of the special tracks, SuperCyberKids! The importance of promoting cybersecurity Education Among Teacher Education Students is the legal research IPA has conducted to support our materials in the SAILS project, reviewing the legal environment of parent and child rights and duties in the online space. In the research, we have analyzed the international and European regulations and the national rules in Hungary, Spain, The Netherlands, and Greece. While all other projects presented at the conference have put a lot of focus on the dangers children need to be protected from, our position, based on overwhelming research evidence, particularly the work of Sonia Livingstone highlights the importance of risk mitigation. This means that, instead of pretending that we can protect children from all harm online by imposing the strictest rules, and violating their rights in the name of safety,  let them learn how to behave without these rules and make them resilient critical thinkers who can make smart decisions with their rights and duties in mind. In the SAILS project, together with the European School Heads Association, we have created complete handbooks for parents, school leaders and education professionals using this risk mitigation approach, full of evidence-based practical tools and suggestions as well as inspiring practices.

Handbook for parents:

Handbook for school leaders: Handbook for education professionals:

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