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Month: December 2018

Facing All the Facts – conference in Brussels

The week of the Facing All the Facts conference marked the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the documents Eleanor Roosevelt called the international Magna Carta for all men everywhere. The event focused on an important human rights issue: hate speech and hate crime, focusing on the role of the internet in fuelling them, but also in prevention. All stakeholders have an important role in prevention – this was emphasised by the hosting Microsoft’s Vice President, John Frank, and in line with this, Parents International was contributing on behalf of parents as stakeholders.

Facing the Facts is an ongoing project coordinated by CEJI developing a multitude of online courses for police, government officials, civil society organisations and online community moderators, based on action research done in 6 countries. During the conference educators and journalists were also identified as audience for such trainings that may be developed in the last 6 months of the project.

Several thought-provoking issues were raised and discussed, for example the question whether victims receive the support they need, how many attacks are necessary to identify it as a problem, whether the present system is a maze or a framework. A major emphasis was put on the content and quality of public authority – civil society cooperation and the need to understand and exploit its potential. Participants have agreed that there is still a long way to go, resulting from a lack of awareness and a lack of trust among other factors.

Another topic, especially relevant for Parents International was to identify and define the role of international organisations. It is, among other things, to keep the topic on the agenda, give space for those working in the field to meet internationally, and to fund activities. However, a warning was also given: although research evidence shows that this role is mostly seen as positive, there are question marks around possible ‘interference’ with national affairs and independence related to funding.

The role of civil society was identified as that of a ‘critical friend’. The challenge here lays with finding the right balance and preventing takeover of either criticism over friendship or friendship over criticism.

Several inspiring initiatives were introduced to the audience that may also inspire the reader:

Dangerous Speech Project


YouTuber Jazza John

Parents International is committed to participate in this work in order to help parents educating their children about hate speech and hate crime prevention; to make them able to identify and tackle the situation if their children become victims; and to work together with schools and teachers to prevent criminalisation of young offenders if possible by alternatives to prosecution.

Parent Summit 2019 – Save the Date

Parents International will hold a scientific conference combined with a marketplace of inspiring practices providing meeting, showcasing and networking opportunities for researchers, parent leaders, practitioners working with or for parents and  representatives of the media

Parents First

3/6 November 2019

in Vienna, Austria

The Summit will focus on parents as primary educators, the first and most impacting educators of their children, and will tackle the topics of parental roles, responsibilities, needs and challenges. The event will have a strong focus on equity, and thus put a major emphasis on holistic, lifelong learning approaches to empower disadvantaged parents.

Call for Abstracts

We invite abstracts for papers, panel discussions, poster presentations, workshop proposals and marketplace exhibitions within the wide topic of 21st century parenting.

The abstract should be a maximum of 350 words + references (maximum 10) and include the following:

  • Title of proposal
  • Type of proposal (paper, poster, etc.)
  • Key words (maximum of 5) reflecting the topic/theme of your submission, so that the paper can be placed in the most appropriate session
  • General description, research questions, objectives, theoretical framework, rationale
  • Methods/methodology (if applicable)
  • Research findings and or conclusions (if applicable)
  • References

Please submit names of all authors/contributors, affiliations and email addresses and specify who will be presenting.

Please make sure that the quality of your abstract is good, since accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts on-line and in print. The conference language and thus abstracts’ language is English. (Simultaneous translation is to be confirmed)

Decision on the acceptance of abstracts will be done by the organising committee consisting of members of the Advisory Board of Parents International and chaired by a representative of the Supervisory Board.

Abstract submission opens on 7 January 2019

Abstract submission closes on 30 April 2019

Decision on the acceptance of abstracts by 15 June 2019

Registration for the Summit will open on 1 March 2019

Early bird registration will be possible between 1 March and 30 April 2019

Registration will close on 20 September 2019